
17 February 2016 (1 year 5 months 16 day)

Pumpkin Bun

今日茶点 / 明日早餐 - 南瓜馒头
Pumpkin Bun

低筋面粉 hong kong flour 300g
糖 fine sugar 15g
酵母 instant yeast 3g
南瓜泥 Pumpkin puree 80g
鲜奶 Fresh Milk 130g
玉米油 Corn Oil 1 tbsp

1) 先将面粉,糖,南瓜泥,酵母和鲜奶搅拌成团后,再加入玉米油搅拌至光滑
Mix all the ingredients and knead into dough, add corn oil and knead until the surface silky
(if use skg breadmaker, menu 11 (knead dough), set 20 mins, add corn oil after 5 mins later)

2) 取出面团,切割出每份55g,搓圆或做造型,再将馒头放在烘培纸上
cut the dough to 55g per pieces, make it to round shape or any of shape, place the bun on baking paper

3) 排列好,放入烤箱内,烤箱下面放一碗热水,关上门,让馒头在里面发酵30分钟
send the bun into oven, place a bowl of hot water below of oven, close it, and let the bun ferment for 30 mins

4) 发酵后的馒头已经变大,就可放进水已经煮开的锅里,中火蒸15分钟,取出待凉即可
Place the bun into the pot (the water must be boiling), switch to medium heat and steam for 15 mins. Remove from the pot and cooling it and done!



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