24 February 2016 (1 year 5 months 23 day)
Potato Pancake with Cheese (Flour-less/Egg-less)
今日午餐 - 马铃薯芝士煎饼 (无粉/无蛋)
马铃薯刨丝 Grated Potato
红萝卜刨丝 Grated Carrot
Mozzarella Cheese
橄榄油 Olive Oil
1) 所有材料刨丝
Grated all the ingredients
2) 热锅,抹一层橄榄油,再均匀铺上马铃薯丝,用锅铲压实一 点,再撒上红萝卜丝,再压实一点
Heat fry pan, brush a layer of olive oil, pour the potato on fry pan, use the spatula to press to tighten it, and pour the carrot on top of potato, and press again
3) 盖上锅盖用最小火煎
Cover the pan and switch to low heat
4) 煎至金黄色用锅铲小心翻面,翻面后再轻压一下
Fry until golden and flip carefully with the spatula, and press to tighen
5) 两面煎至金黄色后撒上Mozzarella Cheese, 关火,盖上锅盖利用热气让Cheese融化即可起锅
Fry until both side golden, pour the Mozzarella Cheese on top, switch off the heat, cover the pan to allow the cheese melted by the heat.
6) 盛盘后撒上Oregano即可享用
Transfer to a plate, pour a little bit of oregano and ready to serve
食谱取自 洪小龍
口感很爽脆的煎饼!很好吃~ 刚开始侒侒丢掉不知道士什么,我吃给他看,再喂他一点点 。他试过之后发现很好吃就吃到完咯~ ^^
马铃薯刨丝 Grated Potato
红萝卜刨丝 Grated Carrot
Mozzarella Cheese
橄榄油 Olive Oil
1) 所有材料刨丝
Grated all the ingredients
2) 热锅,抹一层橄榄油,再均匀铺上马铃薯丝,用锅铲压实一
Heat fry pan, brush a layer of olive oil, pour the potato on fry pan, use the spatula to press to tighten it, and pour the carrot on top of potato, and press again
3) 盖上锅盖用最小火煎
Cover the pan and switch to low heat
4) 煎至金黄色用锅铲小心翻面,翻面后再轻压一下
Fry until golden and flip carefully with the spatula, and press to tighen
5) 两面煎至金黄色后撒上Mozzarella Cheese, 关火,盖上锅盖利用热气让Cheese融化即可起锅
Fry until both side golden, pour the Mozzarella Cheese on top, switch off the heat, cover the pan to allow the cheese melted by the heat.
6) 盛盘后撒上Oregano即可享用
Transfer to a plate, pour a little bit of oregano and ready to serve
食谱取自 洪小龍
口感很爽脆的煎饼!很好吃~ 刚开始侒侒丢掉不知道士什么,我吃给他看,再喂他一点点
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