
7 August 2015 (11 months 6 days)

Red dates Wolfberry with Radish & Pork bone Soup



白蘿蔔(切片) Radish
紅棗(少許) Red dates
枸杞(少許) Wolfberry
豬骨 Pork bone

1) 先將豬骨用沸水煮2分鐘去掉血水,撈起備用
Use boiling water boil the pork bone for 2 mins, to remove the blood, take it out from the pot and set aside

2) 再重新煮一鍋沸水,放入所有材料中火煮至所有材料滾熟
Reboil a pot of water, put in all the ingredients, switch to medium heat and cook until the water boiling again

3) 開小火燉煮大約45分鐘
Switch to low heat, let it cook for approximate 45 mins

4) 最後放入少許銀魚粉調味即可 
Insert a pinch of silver fish powder and ready to serve


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